Phila Art

House of Stamps, Coins and Collectibles

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Exploring the Rich Heritage: The Story of Indian Postage Stamps

The history of Indian postage stamps mirrors the evolution of the country’s political, social, and cultural landscapes. The journey began…

Your 101 Guide to Stamp Collecting

Stamp collecting, or philately, is a captivating hobby blending history, geography, art, and culture. It offers a unique glimpse into…

The Evolution of Postage: From Ancient Couriers to Modern Mail Systems

The history of the post and postage system is a fascinating journey that reflects the evolution of communication, trade, and…

The World’s First Postage Stamp – Patna Copper Ticket 1774

In January 1774, India’s first Governor General, Warren Hastings, began to make arrangements for the establishment of India’s first Post…

Ramayana – A Saga of Shri Ram (A journey through postal stamps)

About the Book Ramayana is intricately woven into the fabric of the Indian culture and civilization. It has evolved into…

Stamps issued in 2023 by India Post (Part – I)

India has a long and varied postal history and has produced many postage stamps. The Indian Postal Service has issued stamps…

The Hindi Language being celebrated Worldwide

The World Hindi Conference (WHC) is a significant event that gathers prominent scholars, academics, writers, students, publishers, and linguists from…

United Nations commemorates “World Humanitarian Day”

The United Nations office in Baghdad, Iraq was attacked by a bomb on August 19, 2003, resulting in the tragic…